Friday, April 3, 2009


   So My brothers, some friends and I get bored sometimes like every one else, so I made up a game called Amberio, I dont know why I named it that, but hey, it stuck. Anyway, The game is like this, there are a bunch of people playing (we usually have up to 10 people) and everyone has a little toy lightsaber or other such weapon (swords, shields, all of which are safe, like no sticks) and everyone basically kills eachother.... such a boy thing I know. The best part is that everyone is honest (most of the time) about when they are hit, and then they do a cool death thing, like if you get slashed while you are running, you would do a close-line, so every thing looks really cool! We also have soccer and kick balls all around my yard, and those can be used to throw at each other, and if they are hit, they die. There is also a big foam frisbe we call the discus which you can hold in your hand and swing, or throw at an opponent!We always play in my yard, which is nice because we have a backyard and a front yard with side yards and everything, so we have a good enviornment with great hiding spots and ambush places. That ties in really well, because we have different modes for this game.... One is when you have two teams fighting, one defending the front or back yard. That one is one of the most fun, because you have to devise a good strategy in either position. Another way to play this is just a free for all or what we call "BRAWL" which is also incredibly fun, because in this mode, instead of trying to kill off the other team, everyone is just trying to kill anyone. If you die, you dont have to lay where you were killed, you just hop up in 10 seconds and get fighting again! Nobody really wins these, but as many games can turn out, it usually ends with an argument or somebody getting hurt :( BUT IT IS SO WORTH IT! We also play capture the flag like this and much more.... It is so fun to be able to go with your boyish side and get out there and wham somebody (lightly) with a lightsaber. It is one of the funnest things ever! So get out there and play your favorite games!

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