Saturday, April 4, 2009

Good Book

When I fist Recieved the book The Chosen By Chaim Potok, I thought it would be a dumb boring book that had no purpose other than talking about Jewish stuff. But I Know now that I underestimated the Trinity book list. Although the other books I have read this year in school have been amazing, The Chosen, even though I infact have not finished it (I have had to force myself to put it down), has been one of the best books I have ever read. It really speeks to me. It has shown me how to think, look at things differently, and has even taught me more about what I know about humanity, and even greater, myself. It is hard for me to explain, and as is said in The Chosen itself, Writing butchers what I really feel inside. The same for speech. Someday I wish to be able to say what I really mean, But as of yet, it is still a work in progress. I wish everyone could talk in silence.


  1. oh man, i loved that book so much. definitely one of my favorites. i'm glad you've found so much to love about it and learn from it. :)
