Thursday, April 9, 2009

Great day...

  Today in Mr. Balsbaugh's class, Mr. Balsbaugh wanted to teach us a lot on what learning is  about. So I was sent to the main entrance of trinity to get a copy of the phone book which had the trinity mission statement in it. I went and grabbed a copy, and as I was walking back to the classroom, Mrs Gaworski (our secretary) stopped me and said "what are you doing with the book?" and I said "the master has need of it." and then I walked away and she didnt stop me.

As funny as that was, because at the time, it was really funny although I was serious, I not only meant that Mr. Balsbaugh needed the book, I also meant God, because I felt like God was working through Mr. Balsbaugh to teach us how to think, learn and live. I hope to be like Mr. Balsbaugh when I grow up, A servant and a tool of God, as well as a pretty amazingly funny and awsomely cool teacher who finds true meaning in life!

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