Friday, June 19, 2009


So over the summer I am in a play that my church/old school (St. Marks) puts on every year. I have been in it since kindergarten. And now this is my last year. the play is Alice and Wonderland, but contrary to how it may sound, I think this is the best play I have been in so far out of my 9 years, because a lot of the older 8th graders (such as myself, there are about 7-8 of us) are veterans, and even though none of us got the lead role (either because we had already gotten it before and you can only get a lead once, or because it is a female character. I happen to be both, for I was the main character last year) we get to play the not so big roles that we can really spice up a lot to give the play a great boost. I am very happy with my part. when I was young, in about 2nd grade, I was in this very play. The kids under 3rd grade are in the chorus rather than having speaking lines, and I still remember to this day, every step of the Oyster dance. the Oyster dance is sung by Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, and the kids all get flippers and snorkel thingies to dance around in. It is really cute. I still have my snorkel and flippers to this day. In fact, I was just using it yesterday in my new pool. The best thing about it though, is that my friend and I are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. We get to totally goof off, having our own voices, walks, poses, phrases, and on and on. It is actually quite challenging. But that is why the director put us there, because we did so well in try outs, that he knew we could handle it. And even though it isn't a HUGE part, I am happy with what I got and I think it will be a lot of fun. I will have info on when it is, if anyone wants to come and see it!!!

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