Thursday, June 4, 2009

Saints and Soldiers

  Saints and Soldiers has got to be my favorite movie now. It is a WWII movie about some American troops who escape their German captors, while the rest of their company is mowed down. The soldiers then meet up with a British airplane pilot who's plane was shot down when he was carrying vital information across enemy territory. When they meet, the decide that they have to try to get through enemy lines to get the information to the Americans on the other side, or die trying. 
I find that to be a good story, but I think that there is more to this movie that the synopsis tells. I don't want to ruin anything, but I must applaud some of the movies features. One of the main soldiers is named Deacon. His name isn't REALLY deacon, but that is the name his friends gave him because he doesn't like coffee, is a very strong Christian and  had been on mission trips to the "enemy" in Berlin. Another soldier, is a medic, and he has strong views against Christianity, There is a scene where Deacon and he are talking and the medic asks Deacon about if he thinks that there is a life after "this one."
Deacon: yes I think there is
Medic: well I don't. when I was back in Bern a little while ago, I was tending to this kid. He was shot up pretty bad, and I knew he didn't have long.  But he kept sayin' "please God, Please..." and he was so serious, I thought it would work, but then, twenty seconds later he was gone.... and when I looked into his eyes, There was nothing there, and that is when I first realized, "this is it."
Deacon: that's funny.
Medic: What could possibly be funny about that???
Deacon: No, not FUNNY funny, it's just.... I was thinking the something similar... When I was back in some city not long ago, I was holding a kid, and he was shot up pretty bad, and he was lying across my lap. And I remember him praying. And I was praying to. And we prayed for a good while, and then he died. And that was the first time, you know, I had ever really watched someone die. But when I looked into his eyes, I knew he was in a better place.

There are so many moments like this and even grater ones too, where the men grow in their relation ships, and the Medic, who in the beginning hated all Germans, and whenever the had a prisoner, wanted to shoot them, in the end treated a wounded officer. I again don't want to ruin anything, so I am limited on what I want to say, but the nobility that these men show to each other and their enemies is remarkable, and they are all truly close. There is one part where the British Guy, Whimbly, is sitting around a fire with the others, and he asks what their "big secrets are." Deacon is the first to speak "I never kissed my wife until the day we were married." and then a couple of the other guys say what they have to say. but the medic and Whimbly himself don't tell... Not until the end where they are all shot up and are probably about to die and they tell. and at that moment, everybody was very close. It is such a great movie. the medic in the end grows in his relationship with God, and is transformed. I never knew a movie could have such beauty.

 I would recommend this movie to anyone over the age of 10 or so. I don't think it has any swear words, I cant remember any. But it does have a bit of scary images. I cant tell you when, because that would ruin the story, but they really aren't that bad. Otherwise, there is a bit of gunfire, and a lot of people get shot. one man at the beginning of the film, had been shot up and was screaming as the Medic was working on him. there is also a bit of blood, but only when someone is getting looked at or worked on by someone. I think, that even though this move isn't as good of a "fighting" war movie as Saving Private Ryan, I think that Saints and Soldiers lives up to it's name, and is a far better movie. But I will let you find out why. So go and see it! you can watch it on in the movie section.

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