Monday, June 1, 2009

Thinking about....

When I was playing soccer by myself in a completely desolate Field of green grass, My mind wandered away from soccer to more important things. After a very interesting line of thought, I asked myself the question: what is the opposite of Love or Goodness? my first response would be hate or evil, as it would be for many. Buy as I thought about it, I discovered that love and Goodness, comes from God, who in himself is a being, and that being is based in Goodness and love. Therefore, if anything is to be "hate" or evil, then it must be in some way connected to the opposite of God. Now that is a scary thought, an opposite to the good and all powerful best friend of  ours. but even Lucifer was created by God, and God created all things, therefore, something God created would have to be the opposite of him, and or evil, but that is not possible because God is based in goodness and love and so neither evil nor an opposite equal being would be able to be created. then we can see that, (like in light where you cant make the darkness darker, but you can take away light and you receive darkness, and yet you can make light lighter), that God is in all things, and that "evil" or bad or "hate" is just an absence of God (or in my analogy light). Then how can there be an opposite of Love or good?.... I am still thinking, maybe my thoughts will change, but if you have any comments or thoughts, be sure to let me know! NEXT UP: "Is The devil Pure evil or does he just have an absence of God???"   Ohhhhhh boy... Time for another walk...

God bless.


  1. Nathan, the opposite of existence is nonexistance
    So Satan is not the opposite of God, because he exists, and is a created being dwelling under the authority of the most high. That is why the demons obey us when we cast them out in Jesus' name. They have to obey the laws of creation, being bound by its laws. This is why Hell is not complete isolation from God, because there is no place in heaven or earth which is not his. Hell is being unable to love. You remember the Great Divorce, right? That is pretty much the Catholic vision of hell. A state in which we demand isolation and self-sufficiency, and therefore we shut ourselves away. Immeasurably pathetic, seeing as how we can't actually shut ourselves away from God, only lie to ourselves. Boy, I can't wait until you read the Brothers K. But don't do it yet. I mean it. You can't do it yet, or you'll ruin it for yourself. It needs to be done when your life is at its crisis point in your 18th year, when you are preparing to "sojourn in the world".

  2. Exactly, I said that satan was NOT the opposite of God, that was the main point of my post, and that is why I am thinking that Satan cannot possibly be pure evil. And I am choosing to wait to read some of the books of older ages, although I sadly already have read some like the "Inferno" by Dante, because that I know that trinity will help guide me in reading it better than I could do so myself, I have learned to know that what ever Trinity does for me, is good.
