Saturday, June 13, 2009


 I just got back from a retreat in Minneapolis. It was great. Every day, we went out to different work sites to give service to various people or charity groups. We painted, helped out at Good Will, gardened, and basically did everything that the person we were helping needed. But every night we met for 2 1/2 hours and talked about the poverty in our world. It was very eye opening, and very touching. I think I am going to want to go and do something. I don't know what, but I am sure God will guide the way.  But besides the work and stuff, it was also fun in between activities. we had a water ballon fight, (I brought them) we sprayed each other with spray bottles (the kind that you use for cleaning)- I brought that as well, and we had one heck of a fun time spraying each other, and each other's room with the HIGHLY potent awesome AXE body Spray!!!

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