Thursday, April 23, 2009

I have decided to discontinue this blog. Nobody reads it so, who cares??

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just Thinking

  Is it wrong to swear...? 

I will have more on this tomorrow, but in the mean time, all of you out there that dont exist, please think about this, It is an interesting topic, and the time spent thinking about it will be good for your brain..... or better yet, your soul.


I know I havent exactly posted recently, but no one reads this blog anyway so it doesnt really matter (why the heck am I doing this???) anyway... If you get the chance, try listening to silence, I know it sounds weird and dumb, so did I, but it is not.
It is a hard thing to do... but if you can it is worth it... but it can also be painful. You will know what I mean if you try. It is like nothing else I have ever delt with.  It is hard to explain.... but just try pushing everything out of the way and just... Listen.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


    This just makes me want to throw up. and if that wasnt bad enough check out the trailer.

Thinks to ponder

      Youth truly is wasted on the young.... how depressing.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Great day...

  Today in Mr. Balsbaugh's class, Mr. Balsbaugh wanted to teach us a lot on what learning is  about. So I was sent to the main entrance of trinity to get a copy of the phone book which had the trinity mission statement in it. I went and grabbed a copy, and as I was walking back to the classroom, Mrs Gaworski (our secretary) stopped me and said "what are you doing with the book?" and I said "the master has need of it." and then I walked away and she didnt stop me.

As funny as that was, because at the time, it was really funny although I was serious, I not only meant that Mr. Balsbaugh needed the book, I also meant God, because I felt like God was working through Mr. Balsbaugh to teach us how to think, learn and live. I hope to be like Mr. Balsbaugh when I grow up, A servant and a tool of God, as well as a pretty amazingly funny and awsomely cool teacher who finds true meaning in life!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Things to think about

      A man once told me that we are like two starving, ravenous dogs in a fight to the death over our soul, one the good side of us and the other the darker side of us. When I asked him which one of the dogs would win the fight, he looked at me and smiled. Then he said "Which ever one we feed the most."

Monday, April 6, 2009

A fitting end...

  Ahhhh, the end to my 5 month wrestling season is finally here. After a long season like the one I just finished, it feels good to eat chips again. :) Not that junk is good for you, it is just a missed taste. Anyway, I finished my season strong, taking second in the end of the year tournament, and I got the LeaderShip Award as well. So all is well that ends well.      -well, maybe

I suppose I can live with second place.... Jk

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thinking About...

  In the Gospel for today, Palm Sunday in the catholic church, there is a part, after Jesus gives his blood at the last supper, Jesus makes the remark "this will be the last time I drink from the vine." And then later, as he is about to be crucified, a roman offers him some wine mixed with a pain detonator, but Jesus refuses to take it.... Just thought that that was kinda cool.... 

But on the bright side, there is Vintage 21. These videos were made by a youth group to make fun of (I mean that in a good way) and point out what is wrong about what the world thinks of christianity. They were made from an old movie. Anyway, the first and second aren't very good, but the 3rd and 4th are pretty funny!    for the vids.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Good Book

When I fist Recieved the book The Chosen By Chaim Potok, I thought it would be a dumb boring book that had no purpose other than talking about Jewish stuff. But I Know now that I underestimated the Trinity book list. Although the other books I have read this year in school have been amazing, The Chosen, even though I infact have not finished it (I have had to force myself to put it down), has been one of the best books I have ever read. It really speeks to me. It has shown me how to think, look at things differently, and has even taught me more about what I know about humanity, and even greater, myself. It is hard for me to explain, and as is said in The Chosen itself, Writing butchers what I really feel inside. The same for speech. Someday I wish to be able to say what I really mean, But as of yet, it is still a work in progress. I wish everyone could talk in silence.


     Ahhhhhhh! is is good to be able to shoot things sometimes.... (not with a real gun, and DEFINITELY not at people!) Air soft.... MU-HA-HA-HA-HA

My gun is a Delta Elite 10 mm Colt Auto. I got it for 25 bucks somewhere and it has a fps of 315-330, so it is kinda powerful (but not even close to as powerful as some guns!) and is a spring load. It is really fun to go and shoot at your friends in airsoft wars as well, people just have to remember to wear goggles!

A good day of work!

 So every saturday is a big work day for my family, and today was no exception. My dad And I spent HOURS making a bunk bed for my two youngest brothers. It is a satisfying thing to be finished at last!

Friday, April 3, 2009


   So My brothers, some friends and I get bored sometimes like every one else, so I made up a game called Amberio, I dont know why I named it that, but hey, it stuck. Anyway, The game is like this, there are a bunch of people playing (we usually have up to 10 people) and everyone has a little toy lightsaber or other such weapon (swords, shields, all of which are safe, like no sticks) and everyone basically kills eachother.... such a boy thing I know. The best part is that everyone is honest (most of the time) about when they are hit, and then they do a cool death thing, like if you get slashed while you are running, you would do a close-line, so every thing looks really cool! We also have soccer and kick balls all around my yard, and those can be used to throw at each other, and if they are hit, they die. There is also a big foam frisbe we call the discus which you can hold in your hand and swing, or throw at an opponent!We always play in my yard, which is nice because we have a backyard and a front yard with side yards and everything, so we have a good enviornment with great hiding spots and ambush places. That ties in really well, because we have different modes for this game.... One is when you have two teams fighting, one defending the front or back yard. That one is one of the most fun, because you have to devise a good strategy in either position. Another way to play this is just a free for all or what we call "BRAWL" which is also incredibly fun, because in this mode, instead of trying to kill off the other team, everyone is just trying to kill anyone. If you die, you dont have to lay where you were killed, you just hop up in 10 seconds and get fighting again! Nobody really wins these, but as many games can turn out, it usually ends with an argument or somebody getting hurt :( BUT IT IS SO WORTH IT! We also play capture the flag like this and much more.... It is so fun to be able to go with your boyish side and get out there and wham somebody (lightly) with a lightsaber. It is one of the funnest things ever! So get out there and play your favorite games!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


 Pictures are always good for lightening a bad mood...


I and a couple of the seventh graders from trinity are starting a band. Now, you may have your doubts, but only time will tell, and so far, we have a couple songs (all of which are christian) and I am chugging out some more lyrics for another song at this time. It is kinda a cool thing to be able to get out there and express yourself through music....

God bless!